Emmanuel’s first solo album, released in France in 2006, made a spectacular success.The young artist enormously benefited from performing in “Le Roi Soleil”,therefore it is nothing strange that he decided to follow the way of a musical career. As a composer and songwriter he made an enormous success, and we all have to admit that his melodic voice,which fills the listener’s heart with a dreaminess, is his strongest side. The songs he made are absolutely tuneful and canorous, moreover, they are maintaied in a pop convention. Among 11 compositions which are included in the album, a single entitled “La Ou Je Pars” (thus, “The place I’m heading for”) takes a central position. “Le Sourire” and “Ca ma fait du bien” are interesting as well. For all of these song they made a video.
The CD faced a exquisitely positive acceptance, not only at home, but also abroad and is now available among others in France and Poland. Individuals who adore sensitive sounds alleviating the pain and sadness, finally found something for themselves on the music market. Needless to say, the market has been seriously full of cliched, shallow songs, recorded by “artists” who create two or three good tracks (later published as singles), whereas the rest of the album consists of some pointless dummy songs. In Emmanuel’s case things look completly different. Plenty of flattering opinions reffering to Manu’s first album can be found on the Net. and that’s not surprising, simple for the fact that there was was no such melodic and so man-like voice on the music market before. In accouplement with mild sounds of forte-piano it makes an accomplished mixture, impossible not to fall in love with. Compositions are extraordinarily bracing, one of a kind. It’s the most amiable manner to listen to them in sad, autumnal evenings... The rain and spoul of a bad weather lose their significance then...