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Là où je pars – The place I'm heading for

Around me,
A bit of a ground,
The sun,
Do I ever feel the cold inside?
I have my dreams,
As well,
Won't I ever fall asleep?
The laughters,
Above me,
The looks,
Leading to the oblivion,
Of the painful issues
I've got also
A full box,
with my courage,
within closed,
To start everything, Again

Chorus: The place I'm heading for,
             Should have a scrap of the sky,
             For the new ride,
             The place I'm heading for

Above my head,
2 or 3 secrets,
A garden,
For a better hiding place
I love somebody, I love something,
My heart is still opened,
My eyes are often closed

Chorus: The place I'm heading for,
             Should have a scrap of the sky,
             For the new ride,
             The place I'm heading for

Above my head,
I'd like to see the place,
Or to discover everything
Above my head,
I'd like to have a belief,
In happiness,
In happiness

Chorus: The place I'm heading for,
             Should have a scrap of the skye,
             For the new ride,
             The place I'm heading for

Above my head,
I'd like to see the place,
Or to discover everything
Above my head,
I'd like to have a belief,
In happiness,
In happiness

Chorus: The place I'm heading for,
             Makes a life,
             A new world to go
             That's the place I'm heading for,
             Heading for
             The life is the new world,
             New world I'm heading for
             The place I'm heading for